Protecting your privacy (pt1)

By Dick Smith Peace of Mind Comments Off on Protecting your privacy (pt1)

Your smarthome devices give you easy control and understanding of your home and what’s happening there, but you do need to take care of who can access these devices. We’ve all heard the warnings about russian hackers and the like, but a more immediate problem can be ex-roommates, ex-partners or even landlords. You need to take control and keep yourself safe from stalkers.

Take a good look around  your home and write down all your internet connected devices, for example your wifi router, thermostat, cameras, lightbulbs, locks and garage door openers, and check that you know the login and passwords for them all. Then go through them one by one and make sure only people that you trust have access to them.

For any devices that you can’t check or control, we suggest you “factory reset” them and set them up again with you in control. If you have any difficulties doing this, then call the manufacturers helpline or call us and we’ll help you.

Smarthome security isn’t more difficult to manage than sets of keys – you just need to know who has copies and if necessary you change the locks…

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